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A study of diverse systems supporting and implementing national curriculum at schools
  • 資料類型


  • 計畫編號


  • GRB編號


  • 計畫名稱

    從學校看不同推動系統提供的支援和落實 A study of diverse systems supporting and implementing national curriculum at schools

  • 整合型計畫名稱


  • 所屬計畫


  • 計畫主持人


  • 經費來源


  • 執行方式


  • 執行機構


  • 執行單位


  • 年度


  • 期程(起)


  • 期程(迄)


  • 執行狀態


  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    Curriculum transformation,Three levels of counselling system,12-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline,Curriculum collaboration

  • 研究主軸


  •   在此十二年國民基本教育課程綱要第一年實施之際,我國國家課程與教學的推動仍然面臨「缺乏完善的行政與課程與教學間的分工與對話機制、缺乏課程與教學政策的整合與轉化機制、偏重領域學科教學而忽略課程意識的發展、對學校層級的課程與教學影響有限」等困境。面對前述困境,我們的中央與地方是否已經提供相對應的策略與支援?對學校層級的新課綱協作推動是否有正向的影響與改變?優勢學校的精進成功策略為何?而有困難學校的問題解決方案又為何?是否有不同階段與不同地域的區別?皆須進一步的深入研究。具體而言,本計畫以兩年半為規劃與執行期程,完成以下之研究目的:(一) 探討學校層級系統在十二年國民基本教育新課綱推動的成功優勢或利基。(二) 探究學校層級系統在十二年國民基本教育新課綱協作推動發生的問題困難或挑戰。(三) 分析不同階段、不同地域與不同背景變項之學校,在成功優勢或利基上是否有差異。(四) 分析不同階段與不同地域與不同背景變項之學校,在問題困難或挑戰上是否有差異。(五) 依據第一年之調查結果,探究不同背景變項之優勢個案學校的精進成功策略。(六) 依據第一年之調查結果,探究不同背景變項有困難個案學校的問題解決方案。

  •   At the moment of the first year for implementing the 12-year national basic new education curriculum outline, Taiwan still faces the lack of perfect collaboration between administration and instruction, the lack of integration and transformation of curriculum and teaching policies, the overemphasis on subject teaching instead of developing whole curriculum awareness, and the limited impact on curriculum and teaching at the school level. In the face of the aforementioned difficulties, have our central and local governments already provided corresponding strategies and support? Is there a positive impact and change in the promotion of the new curriculum at the school level? What is the success strategy of the dominant schools? What is the solution to the problem in schools with difficulties? Is there a difference between different stages and different regions? Further research is needed. More specifically, the project takes two and a half years as the planning and implementation period, and accomplishes the following research purposes: (1) Exploring the successful advantages or niches promoted by the school hierarchy system in the 12-year national basic new education curriculum outline. (2) Exploring the difficulties or challenges of the school hierarchy level system in the 12-year national basic new education curriculum outline collaboration. (3) Analyze whether schools with different stages and different areas and different background variables have differences in their success advantages or niches. (4) Analysis of schools at different stages and in different areas and different background variables, whether there are differences in the difficulty or challenge of the problem. (5) Based on the results of the first year of the survey, explore the advanced success strategies of the school with the advantage of different background variables. (6) Based on the results of the first year of the survey, explore solutions to problems in schools with different background variables.

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