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使用TASA 2014資料庫探究影響臺灣高中學業成就表現之因素與跨國資料比較

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    使用TASA 2014資料庫探究影響臺灣高中學業成就表現之因素與跨國資料比較

  • 計畫主持人


  • 共同主持人

    Magdalena Mok Mo Ching

  • 經費來源


  • 執行方式


  • 執行機構


  • 執行單位


  • 年度


  • 期程(起)


  • 期程(迄)


  • 執行狀態


  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    open classroom climate,personal best,perceived personal best,self-efficacy,self-regulation learning,Theory of Planned Behavior

  • 研究主軸


  •   本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,同時探討個體因素與社會脈絡因素對於高中學業成就之影響。研究樣本是來自臺灣學生學習成就資料庫,包含學科資料與背景問卷資料,共7709人。本研究假設自強不息、自我效能(個體因素)、學生知覺的自強不息(社會脈絡因素)會透過自我調整學習影響學業成就表現;自我效能直接影響學業成就;自強不息、學生知覺的自強不息和自我效能彼此相關。研究結果顯示自強不息、學生知覺的自強不息、自我效能和自我調整學習之問卷信度介於所有分量表信度均達0.85以上,具有良好的內部一致性。


      跨國資料之比較是專指學生對於開放教室氛圍之看法,將TASA2014與ICCS2009基於相同問卷題目之基礎進行比較,臺灣的十一年級學生對於開放教室氛圍是持正面的看法,較韓國八年級學生正面,但不如香港和芬蘭。 在性別差異部分,各國的資料皆顯示女生對於開放教室氛圍均較男生正面。

      在教育政策,建議舉辦教師工作坊,教師可以透過工作坊學習自我調整學習策略,了解自強不息等心理構念融入課程之中。臺灣高中生對於開放教室氛圍整體而言持正面看法,優於韓國,但不如香港、芬蘭,顯見臺灣的教師時常鼓勵學生表達意見,但討論政治議題與表達不同意見的情況,在臺灣的課堂內較不常發生,臺灣的社會教育可以強化此部分,鼓勵教師政治議題 與批判思考的能力融入課程中。各國的資料皆呈現女生對於開放教室氛圍的看法比男生正面,男生在發表意見與討論議題上,仍有強化之空間。


  •   While most studies focus on the individual factors’ ,such as self-efficacy, or self-regulation ,influence on academic achievement, this study based on the Theory of Planned Behavior explores the influence of both individual factors and social-contextual factors on academic achievement. The samples of this study come from the database, including academic achievement and the background survey, with 7709 students involved. This study assumed that personal best, self-efficacy, and perceived personal best would affect academic achievement through self-regulated learning; self-efficacy could directly affect academic achievement; and that personal best, perceived personal best and self-efficacy are mutually linked. As showed in the result, the reliability of personal best, perceived personal best, self-efficacy and self-regulated learning, in all the scales, reach beyond 0.85, indicating a significant internal consistency.

      The structural equation model is used to test the validity of the proposed model, indicating a good model fit. The result shows that personal best would affect academic achievement through self-regulated learning; perceived personal best affects academic achievement through self-regulated learning; self-efficacy affects academic both directly and through self-regulated learning.Comapring with the male of senior high school, the female of senior high school outperform in personal best, perceived personal best, self-regulation,and openly classroom climate. The male of senior high school outperform in self-efficacy.

      Based on the same questionnaire of TASA 2014 and ICCS2009, different countries students in the perspective of openly classroom climate are compaired in this study.The senior high student of 11 grades has positive perspective on openly classroom climat, performing better than Korea, but not better than Hongkong and Finland. Comapring with the male of school, the female of school outperform in openly classroom climate for all countries.

      In terms of the education policy, helping teachers with incoperating self-regulated learning and personal best into academic program via workshop is suggested.In terms of the teaching, teachers guide students to regulate learning strategies and to exceed themselves previous achievement. In the terms of learning, if students perceive themselves very well and monitor their ideas and behaviors, students could improve their academic achievement.Otherwise; the senior high student of 11 grades has positive perspective on openly classroom climat, showing that expressing views is encouraged by the teachers. Teachers could give force to discussing political issues and expressing different views in the classroom, especially for male students.

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