Chien-Ming Cheng graduated from the bachelor’s program of the Department of Applied Mathematics of National Chiao Tung University, a stand-out university for science and engineering, and then obtained a master’s degree in applied statistics from Michigan State University in the United States. After he graduated, Cheng returned to Taiwan and gained employment as an research fellow at the Taiwan Provincial Training & Development lnstitute for Secondary School Teachers and worked on research and development for the secondary school mathematics curriculum. Perceiving an inadequacy of his knowledge, Cheng enrolled again in his alma mater in the PhD program of Measurement and Quantitative Methods offered by the Department of Educational Psychology, and obtained his PhD degree there. At the same time, Cheng continued working at the aforementioned institute as an assistant research fellow and chief of secretariat. Subsequently, Cheng worked as chief and director of the Research Center for Testing and Assessment in the Provisional Office of the National Institute of Education Research and in the National Institute of Education Research. Cheng’s fields of expertise are in establishing large testing databases, DIF, test equating, cognitive diagnostic assessments, and IRT. Cheng is a long-term reviewer for Psychological Testing, a journal published by the Chinese Association of Psychological Testing, and other education-based psychological testing journals worldwide. He organized the Ninth Cross-Strait Conference on Education and Psychological Testing, and has been the secretary-general of the Chinese Association of Psychological Testing since 2017. This role involves assisting the president in the operation of the association.