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Peng, Chih-Ling

  Chih-Ling Peng is an Associate Research Fellow at the Research Center for Translation, Compilation, and Language Education, NAER. Her research projects focus on academic language, textbook research, student learning comprehension, and cross-cultural education. She has conducted research on academic terminology translation, policy for promoting translators, textbook resource integration, textbooks, and peace education programs. Her research has been published in books and academic journals, including the Journal of Textbook Research, Compilation, and Translation Review; Journal of Educational Research and Development; Journal of Professional Teachers; and Bulletin of Library and Information Science.

  She obtained a PhD in education from National Cheng- Chi University. Before joining the NAER, Dr. Peng worked at the National Institute for Compilation and Translation as an Associate Executive Officer. She has also worked for the Ministry of Education; the Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers’ In-Service Training; and the Department of Education, Taipei City Government. Additionally, she was an adjunct Associate Professor at National Taipei University of Technology and National Open University.

Research Field
  • Academic Language,Textbook Research,Education Policy
  • Ph.D., Education, National Chengchi University,M.Ed., Education, National Chengchi University.,B.Ed., Diplomacy, National Chengchi University.
  • Associate Research Fellow at the Research Center for Translation, Compilation, and Language Education, NAER.,Associate Executive Officer at National Institute for Compilation and Translation.,Executive Officer at Department of Social Education, Ministry of Education.,Officer at Department of Educational Research, Ministry of Education.,Instructor at the Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers’ In-Service Training.,Officer at Department of Education, Taipei City Government.,Adjunct Associate Professor at Department of Social Science, National Open University.,Adjunct Associate Professor at Teacher Education Center, National Taipei University of Technology .
Publications: Research Projects(17),
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