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Chang, Fu-Meng

  Fu-Meng Chang is an Associate Researcher of the NAER, Taiwan. Chang focuses his research on technological and vocational education, textbook research, and machine manufacture. He was previously a teacher at Taipei municipal Nanmen Junior High School, has taught industrial arts and mathematics, and has worked as General Affairs Director and Associate Editor at the National Institute for Compilation and Translation. He is an experienced researcher in school teaching, technological and vocational education, and educational administration. Chang’s recent research focuses on two dimensions.

  First, professional and practical subject textbooks for vocational high schools; the obtained research results can improve the quality of professional and practice subject textbooks for vocational high schools. Second, digital textbooks and digital learning; he expects that through digital technology features and dynamic and interactive functions, students can be effectively attracted to autonomous learning, which improves students’ learning ability, interest, and outcome.

Research Field
  • Technological and Vocational Education,Textbook Research,Machine Manufacture
  • M.Sc., Industry Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Publications: Research Projects(13),
Found: Results
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