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Liu, Yi-Fan

  Dr. Yi-Fan Liu is an Assistant Research Fellow and Executive Secretary of the Information Technology Task Force at the NAER. He obtained his PhD from National Central University, Taiwan, in 2016. During this study period, he examined the influence of prior knowledge on the use of an annotatable multimedia e-reader within individual and sharing environments. He received an education degree from the Graduate Institute of eLearning Technology, National Tsing Hua University. His research interests include human factors, note-taking behaviors, mobile learning, and game-based learning.

  Yi-Fan Liu has practical experience in programming and visual design (having worked on more than 30 research projects), including learning technology systems, business systems, and general graphic design. Moreover, he has participated in various projects, such as those of the National Science Council, Council of Agriculture, and National Taiwan Science Education Center. He has received 20 honors or awards for his computer skills and other personal achievements.

Research Field
  • E-Learning,Mobile Learning,Learning Behavior Analysis
  • Ph.D Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University
Publications: Research Projects(5),
Found: Results
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