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The cultural politics of digital textbooks: The Taiwanese perspective
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    數位教科書的文化政治:臺灣觀點 The cultural politics of digital textbooks: The Taiwanese perspective

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  • Keywords

    Digital textbooks,electronic textbooks,post-colonial technology

  • 研究主軸


  •   應用最新的科技發展協助教育並非新的概念,結合教育媒體與教材設計也在國內行 之有年,近年來電子書、電子白板、電子書包、數位/數位教科書……等概念,則又再次 開啟教學與學習型態的想像,臺灣目前也開始逐漸發起了推動數位教科書的聲音以及數 位教科書相關研究,只是,在網路與資訊科技為教育界投射出一個光明美好的天堂想像 時,較少為人所關注的是推動過程中的各項經驗、挑戰、以及反省與思考。尤其是各種 社會結構、經濟資本、社會論述與文化流動過程裡所產生各種巨觀與微觀的權力互動關 係,是否讓數位教科書為教育帶來一些難以實踐的挑戰?

      本研究運用深度訪談與媒體論述分析方法,希望了解在臺灣的脈絡裡,是誰在什麼 樣的背景下發起數位教科書的相關科技論述(趨勢)?是企業、政府、學生、科技專家、 老師或是家長?運用何種論述支持數位教科書?這樣論述的社會脈絡為何?此外,數位 教科書相關的論述範疇包括那些?包括何種載體、何種基礎建設、何種科技發展的技術、 以及與課程內涵?這些相關範疇所揭示的數位教科書是從誰的角度發聲?所訴求的使 用者為何?簡言之,是誰設計要給誰使用的數位教科書?是誰認為誰應該使用這樣的數位教科書?

      經過與來自5 所高中及小學之15 位教師、行政人員與校長訪談、以及分析聯合新 聞與中時新聞兩大資料庫結果後,有以下幾項發現。數位教科書的相關論述範疇可以區 分為三大層面:科技論述、資本論述、與教育應用論述。第一種科技論述包括平板電腦、 成熟的寬頻網路、數位學習軟體與平台、以及數位內容等,這些論述所揭示的數位教科 書是由科技專家與產業界為教育界的學生與教師所提供解決教育問題的方案,訴求對象 自然是教育界,認為教育界可以學生與教師可以因為數位教科書而受惠。也因此,這些 科技提供給教育的論述,其實主要還是科技專家在第二種資本論述支持下所認為教育應做的改變、或者也可說是前兩者對於後者所必須經常面對問題的解答,然而這樣的改變 是否真正回應教育論述中所隱含很大一部份的人文價值,則在教育論述中出現一些挑戰 與反思,因此仍需要進一步思考。

      綜合以上微觀現場教師的觀點、以及理論層面的反思,本研究認為應以更細緻謹慎 的角度來發展數位教科書政策,針對數位教科書政策時提出以下六項建議:一、以特定 科目與特定對象實驗設計數位教科書;二、數位教科書設計應鼓勵、引導而非取代主動 探究、合作與體驗式學習;三、提供教師充分完整的認識與訓練課程;四、辦理數位教 科書運用契機與挑戰之教師成長會議;五、尊重多元的教科書運用方式;六、在數位教 科書政策中明確釐清教育作為涵蘊人文價值途徑與科技的關係。

  •   Integrating the most advanced technology to assist education is not a new concept. For the past few years, introductions of e-books, electronic whiteboards, electronic schoolbag, and digital textbooks… to schools also again open the possibility and imagination of teaching and learning. In Taiwan appeal to launch digital textbooks and to conduct research in this regard has been rising. While the internet and information technology has projected a bright and beautiful imagination for educators, real experience, challenges, and reflections in the process of launching digital textbooks has been rarely addressed. In particular, whether or not the existing social structure, capital market, as well as cultural discourse have exerted their influence during the process of introducing digital textbooks and form a dynamic politics brining many inherent challenges requires more adequate attention.

      The present study employs in-depth interviews in addition to discourse analysis of newspaper reports to explore the following questions. Who initiated the discussion of the discourse on digital textbooks (trend) in what kind of background in Taiwan? Which discourses are used to support digital textbooks and their embedded social contexts? What carrier, infrastructure, technology, as well as content do these discourses include? Those related to the scope of the discussion? Including what carrier, what infrastructure, what technological development technology, as well as curriculum connotation? From whose perspectives are these digital textbooks addressed and for whom are they designed? In short, who design digital textbook for whom? Who think who should use this digital textbook?

      After interviewing 15 teachers from five high schools and primary schools, the administrative staff and principal interviews, in addition to scrutinizing news reports from two news databases, the research has the following findings. Discourses on digital textbooks can be classified into three types: science and technology discourse, capital discourse, education discourse. The first type includes pads, mature broadband Internet, platform for e-learning, as well as digital content. This type of discourses comes from technology experts and industry for students and teachers as a kind of solution to education problems and change education. Technology discourses, driven by capital and industrial market discourse, further compel the rising discourse of educational changes. Nevertheless, whether or not these discourses, suggested by the field of science and technology, really touch upon the core of challenges and humanism embedded in educational values, remains to be discussed and requires more in-depth reflection.

      In brief, for developing digital textbooks policy with a more sophisticated and cautious perspective, this study makes the following policy recommendations. First, to policy makers can start the experimental design of digital textbook from specific subjects and subjects. Second, digital textbooks should be designed to encourage and guide initiative explorative, cooperative and experiential learning, rather than replacing them. Third, the government should provide teachers training courses to learn and to apply technology, but not force them to use in class room. Fourth, the government could organize workshops and symposiums for digital textbooks teachers to understand the inherent opportunities and challenges bringing from digital textbooks. Fifth, the policy paper should appreciate multiple approach and applications of textbooks. Finally, the digital textbook policy should explicitly clarify the relationship between technology and education as a way to entail humanistic values.

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