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National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) handles applications on public viewing, hand-copying, or duplication of its archives in accordance with Article 17 to 21 of the Archives Act, Article 18 of the Freedom of Government Information Law, Article 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act, and other relevant laws and regulations. That is to provide the public with historical testimony, academic research, evidence verification, and business reference for revitalizing and enhancing the value of the archives.


Promulgated by Decree No.: Chiao-Yen-Mi-Tzu-10000010167A on December 22, 2011

Amended by Decree No.: Chiao-Yen-Mi-Tzu-1051800351B on April 12, 2016
(Recorded for future reference with the letter No.: Tang-Ying-Tzu-1050000836 on March 10, 2016 by the National Archives administration, National Development Council)

  • 1.

    The National Academy for Educational Research (hereinafter referred to as this Academy), in order to conduct matters of applications made by the general public for viewing, transcribing or copying of archives of this Academy (hereinafter referred to as Applications for Use of Archives) in accordance with Articles 17 to 21 of the Archives Act, Article 18 of the Freedom of Government Information Act, Article 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act, and relevant laws and regulations as well as other application matters, has hereby formulated these Guidelines.

  • 2.

    This Academy shall in principle provide duplicates for the use of archives thereof. In case it is necessary to use the original archives, the reason thereof shall be specified in the application form (Attachment 1), or a request in writing specifying the required matters is to be delivered in person or sent by means of written communication to this Academy, which request will be processed after being reviewed.

  • 3.

    The approval or dismissal on the application for use of archives of this Academy shall be processed in accordance with Article 18 of the Archives Act, Article 18 of the Freedom of Government Information Act, Article 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act and other laws and regulations.

  • 4.

    Applications for use of archives shall provide a valid identity documents with a photo of the applicant him/herself attached thereto. If the applicant cannot handle the application in person, he/she may appoint an agent to act on his/her behalf and submit a power of attorney (Attachment 2). Applicants who are minors shall handle the application by a legal representative.

  • 5.

    Applications for use of archives shall be reviewed by the business unit in accordance with the law within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the application by the archive management unit of this Academy. After the decision of approval or dismissal is made, the decision shall be notified in writing of the reasons to the applicant. If the application does not conform to the prescribed procedures or the information thereof is incomplete and the applicant is therefore notified of the need to make supplements or corrections, such supplements or corrections shall be made within seven (7) days; If such supplements or corrections fail to be made or cannot be made by the deadline, the application may be dismissed; If such supplements or corrections have been made, the period of review shall be recounted from the date of such supplements or corrections have been made by the applicant.

  • 6.

    Applications for use of archives shall be assigned to the business unit for review. The business unit shall complete the review within five (5) working days. If there are circumstances set out in Point 3, the business unit shall specify the reason in the review form and inform the archive management unit.

  • 7.

    Applicants shall pay their visits to this Academy to use or retrieve the archives within 60 days from the date of receiving the notice of the review result (Attachment 3) after having contacted the person in charge of the file management unit in advance for prior preparation; When using the archives, applicants shall present the notice of the review result and the identify document with the photo of applicants themselves attached thereto at the designated place. After the archivist checks the notice of the review result and identity document or the power of attorney, fill in properly on the Use of Reading Room Register and complete the registration process, applicants may enter the reading place.

  • 8.

    If the archives provided for use contain items that are restricted to be made public or provided, the principle of separation shall be adopted to remove the part that shall not be made public and only to provide other parts in accordance with the following methods: (1) If the archives are detachable, extract the unsuitable part and provide the rest for use. (2) If the archives cannot be detached, the unsuitable part shall be properly concealed or covered, and only the photocopy of such archives may be provided for use. The archive management unit shall make a note of the circumstances of the part of the archives being removed, concealed, or covered in the Use of Archives Receipt (Attachment 4) and inform the applicant.

  • 9.

    The archives applied for use shall not be carried out of the designated reading place, and shall be returned on the same day. If the use cannot be completed on the same day, the person in charge of the archive management unit shall first make a note of the use status on the Use of Archives Receipt and return the archives first. The archivist may make a appointment with the applicant on another date to retrieve such archievs for further use.

  • 10.

    After the use of the archives is completed, the person in charge of the archive management unit shall inspect on-site the integrity of the archives returned by the applicant to see whether there is any undue damage; If there are circumstances of any improper use such as defacement, destruction, etc., they shall be marked with a note in the Use of Archives Receipt and be handled in accordance with Article 26 of the Archives Act and relevant regulations.

  • 11.

    After the use of the archives is completed and the archives are returned, the applicant shall pay the fee to the file management unit subject to the charge method for use of the archives of this Academy in accordance with the Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying and Duplication of Archives set by the National Archives Administration of the National Development Council (Attachment 5). If in need of additional postal service, the postage shall be calculated based on the actual amount plus a processing fee in the amount of NT$ 50 for each round of service. The archivist shall issue a receipt to be handed over together with the duplicate of the archives to the applicant.

  • 12.

    1The opening hours of this Academy for use of archives are Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, excluding regular holidays and national holidays. If this Academy will be closed due to other special reasons, a separate announcement will be made.

  • docx odt pdf

    Attachment 1: Application Form for Viewing, Hand-copying, or Duplication of National Academy for Educational Research Archives

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    Attachment 2: Authorization Letter

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    Attachment 3: Result Notification of the National Academy for Educational Research Archives Application (A, B)

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    Attachment 4: Borrow Receipt of the National Academy for Educational Research Archives Application

  • docx odt pdf

    Attachment 5: Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying or Duplication of Archives

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