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The developing strategies of Taiwan academic dictionaries and encyclopedias
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    我國學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書發展策略之研究 The developing strategies of Taiwan academic dictionaries and encyclopedias

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  • Keywords

    reference books,academic dictionary,academic encyclopedia,development strategy

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  •   工具書中的學術性辭典與百科全書是知識的精華,與國家教育及學術基礎知識的發展密切相關。國家教育研究院「我國學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書發展策略之研究」為一整合型研究計畫,內容包括以下六個子計畫:一、中日學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書發展策略之研究。二、英美加學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書發展策略之研究。三、我國學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書使用者調查研究。四、我國學術性百科全書類工具書發展策略之研究。五、我國學術性辭典類工具書發展策略之研究。六、我國學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書人機介面之研究。



      本研究依據各子計畫之研究發現歸納結論,包括以下三大項: (一)學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書數位化與內容之發展。 (二)學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書編輯模式及體例之發展。 (三)學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書之使用與推廣。





  •   Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias among reference books contain the essence of knowledge that is closely related to the development of national education and academic basics. "The Development Strategies of Taiwan Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias" conducted by the National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) is an integrative research project that contains six subprojects: (1) Study on the Strategies of China and Japan for Developing Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias; (2) Study on the Strategies of UK, USA, and Canada for Developing Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias; (3) Survey on Users of Taiwan Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias; (4) Study on the Strategies of Taiwan for Developing Academic Encyclopedias; (5) Study on the Strategies of Taiwan for Developing Academic Dictionaries; and (6) Study on Human Machine Interface for Taiwan Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.

      This integrative project purports to tackle several important topics on the basis of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias already developed and continuously updated by the NAER, including the current digitalization status and practices adopted by China, Japan, UK, USA, Canada and Taiwan in editing academic reference books, the impact of technological development on user demands for academic dictionaries and encyclopedias, and information search activities with respect to academic dictionaries and encyclopedias in Taiwan and user expectations of the functions of such dictionaries and encyclopedias. This project also aims to explore the qualities of different academic dictionaries and encyclopedias and strategies that the government and the academic institutions may adopt in editing academic dictionaries and encyclopedias to refine the existing editing modes and achieve the ultimate goals of promoting academic reference books and construct comprehensive knowledge repositories.

      This "Master Project" report summarizes the contents of the six subprojects, which includes chapters of introduction, literature review, research methodologies, findings, and conclusions and suggestions. The "Introduction" section aims to describe the development history and the current state of dictionaries and encyclopedias in Taiwan, which presents a whole picture of the subject matter and echoes the six subprojects to serve as basis for exploring strategies for developing reference books. This report is enclosed with four bibliographies as study basis and references, including "Bibliography of Taiwan Edited and Published Dictionaries" (1949~2014), "Taiwan Dictionary Research - Journals and Literature" (1949~2014), "Bibliography of Taiwan Edited and Published Encyclopedias" (1949~2014), and "Taiwan Encyclopedia Research - Journals and Literature" (1949~2014). The "Master Project" report then presents summarized literature review, methodologies and findings of each of the six subprojects. The last chapter "Conclusions and Suggestions" sums up the findings of each subproject and proposes suggestions for the future development strategies of Taiwan dictionaries and encyclopedias.

      Based on the findings of the subprojects, the development strategies of Taiwan dictionaries and encyclopedias can be summarized into the following three topics as conclusion for the project: (1) the digitization and content development of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias; (2) developing editing modes and templates for academic dictionaries and encyclopedia; and (3) the use and promotion of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias. The paper concludes by offering the following suggestions for the development strategies:

    1.Strategies for the digitization and content development of Taiwan academic dictionaries and encyclopedias: (1) integrating dictionaries and encyclopedias to develop a digital reference book platform; (2) giving priority to compiling academic dictionaries and encyclopedia for vulnerable and basic subjects; (3) the contents of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias should first cover the translation and interpretation of terms;

    2.Strategies for developing editing modes and templates for academic dictionaries and encyclopedias: (1) developing editing modes and templates for academic encyclopedias; (2) developing editing modes and review of academic dictionaries; (3) the government should play a leading role in the editing of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias; and (4) learning from the examples and achievements of Chinese dictionaries and encyclopedias published by Mainland China; and

    3.Strategies for the use and promotion of academic dictionary and encyclopedia: (1) The NAER should enhance the indexing functions and promotion of its education network ((http://terms.naer.edu.tw/); and (2) applying network technologies and resources to the development of user-oriented reference books (including academic dictionaries and encyclopedia).

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