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The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school geography textbooks development
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    國中地理教科書之知識論與課程觀演變 The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school geography textbooks development

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  • Keywords

    Junior high school,Geography textbooks,Oral history,Geography knowledge

  • 研究主軸


  •   地理學的知識從古希臘時代開始,歷經大航海時代的知識探險到現代社會的型 塑,都扮演不可或缺的角色。但是,由於早期地理知識以地名、山川名記憶為主,缺 乏對於本土與世界的探索,而因應時代潮流與環境變遷,現今的地理知識已全然改 觀。 本研究透過文件分析及口述歷史訪談,文件的範圍包含1952 年至1994 年公布 的課程標準、據以編輯出版的教科書等,主要受訪者為實際參與該期間教科書編寫的 學者或老師,藉由口述者的經歷與觀察,探討教科書內容編寫的演變。

      國中地理科的課程標準歷經多次修訂,課程目標隨時代而演進,其課程架構長久 以來都是以區域地理為主軸,而不同時期的教材內容編選則與地理學研究的區域傳 統演進相吻合,教科書內容的取材與編寫,是以區域傳統為主體的演進歷程,從地方 誌的敘述方式,逐漸轉變以人地關係與地理特徵為主,著重地理概念與地理技能,由 地理知識系統化的呈現,再邁向地理學科本質的學習,培養學生的地理能力。而各時 期的教科書其對地理技能與地理學習方面的內容,則是由隱含而至明顯並強調為學 習的主體。以教材組織而言,區域地理中的本國地理範圍包含中國大陸與臺灣地區, 但一直以來均是以臺灣為起點,隨著時代社會進步與環境遷變,臺灣地理的份量與內 容亦有相對應的變化。地理教材強調地理景觀和人地關係,雖然過去受國家政治需求 或編者主觀認知的限制,選材以政治地理或經濟地理為主,但仍都有一個重心就是地 理景觀,配合居民生活、文化而產生的特徵,只是它的呈現在早期教科書內容較不活 潑、生動,為了達到地理學習興趣,逐漸由教科書的改變進而影響地理教學模式,以 培養學生地理能力。透過學習理論以臺灣地理為學習的起點、再納入中國大陸地理的 課程架構,則是「立足臺灣、放眼中國」的眼光。

  •   This study use document analysis and oral interviews, a range of the file contains the curriculum published from 1952 to 1994, the main respondents were actually involved in the preparation of textbooks for the period scholar or teacher, by file the analysis combined experience and observation interviewee, discusses the evolution of the content of textbooks written. Geography curriculum standards in the country after several amendments, curriculum goals evolve with the times, it has been based on regional geography curriculum framework for the spindle, and compile teaching materials in different periods of the evolution of geography and regional traditions coincide, based on the evolution of regional traditions as the main course of local history from the narrative, focusing on geographical concepts and geographic skills, geography knowledge by a systematic presentation, again towards the essence of learning geography, students of geography skills. The contents of each period textbook geography skills and learning of geography, it is implied and to clear and emphasize the learning of the subject.

      In terms of textbooks organization, regional geography in their geographic scope included the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, but Taiwan has been are based on a starting point, with the social progress and environmental Moving, quantity and content also corresponds Taiwan geography changes. Textbooks emphasize the geographical landscape and man-land relationship, although in the past to limit the country's political needs or subjective perception by the editor, the selection of political geography or economic geography-based, but still has a center of gravity is the geographical landscape, with cultural and produce features, but it's presented in an early textbook content less lively, in order to achieve geographical interest in learning, gradually from changing geography textbooks thereby affecting the teaching mode to cultivate students' geography skills.

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