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The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school history textbook development
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    國中歷史教科書之知識論與課程觀演變 The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school history textbook development

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  • 期程(起)


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  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    Oral History,history textbooks,curriculum,knowledge theory

  • 研究主軸


  •   本研究以 1952 至2001 年間曾經參與國中歷史教科書編纂的學者專家和編審行政工作者為對象,就歷史教科書知識論與課程觀的演變,進行專題式口述歷史訪談,期能「忠實而深入的記錄」集體的個人經歷,了解在國立編譯館統一編纂教科書時期的發展歷程,以及重建其間的斷裂與空白之處。

      研究結果發現在近 40 年的統編本國(初)中歷史教科書時代,歷史教科書編者和編審行政有著強烈的使命感,希望能夠編寫出有助於學生歷史學習的教科書;而在濃厚的國族主義、愛國思想課程政策與目標下,歷史課程是為了建立國民的國家意識,以及符應社會發展需求而設的;教科書中的歷史知識內涵呈現學 科知識本位的觀點,惟內容則以史實記憶為主,建構學生歷史思維為輔的知識論點。

  •   In this study, the researchers conducted oral history interviews with the authors and administrative staff who had written or edited the history textbooks for junior high school in 1952-2001. Through the oral history interviews on the evolution of knowledge and curriculum of the history textbooks for junior high school, faithful and record the personal experiences. Understanding Unified National Institute for Compilation and Translation codification textbooks period historical evolution, and provide an emotional and a personal historical data of temperature, the reconstruction period Yi lost or hidden process information, as well as faults and gaps in between. on the evolution of the history textbook theory of knowledge and curriculum concept, thematic style oral history interviews of energy "faithful the depth of the recording 'collective personal experiences, understanding Unified National Institute for Compilation and Translation codification textbook history during evolution, provide historical data having personal feelings and temperature reconstruction Yi lost during that period or covert process data, as well as during the breaks and gaps place.

      The results found that in nearly 40 years of national statistics compiled (First) era in history textbooks, history textbook editor and editorial administration has a strong sense of mission, hoping to help students write a history textbook learning; and in a strong Nation under Marxism, patriotism curriculum policies and objectives, in order to establish a national history curriculum national awareness, as well as operators should set up social development needs; the textbook presents the history of knowledge content subject knowledge-based point of view, but the contents of the memory places of historical facts Lord, supplemented by historical thinking students construct knowledge argument.

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