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The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school civics textbooks development
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    國中公民教科書之知識論與課程觀演變 The views of the knowledge and curriculum of junior high school civics textbooks development

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  • Keywords

    junior high school textbooks,civics and moral,curriculum views,the theory of knowledge

  • 研究主軸


  •   過往對臺灣中小學教科書的研究多半著重於教材內容文本分析及編審制度 面向,鮮少關注到教科書文本如何被形塑的發展脈絡或成因,以致於難以宏觀地 了解課程發展趨勢,微觀地理解編審者對教材編寫所持之理念。基於此,本文兼 採口述歷史及文件分析,探究1952 年至2001 年(民國41-90 年)初(國)中公民 科書發展演變,透過訪談17 位曾參與過該科教科書編審之關鍵人物,闡述其當 年編審教材觀點及經驗,再與教科書文本、課程標準、相關專書、期刊等資料交 叉檢證,詮釋初(國)中公民教科書知識論與課程觀之演變。

      本文將1952 年至2001 年(民國41-90 年)間初(國)中公民科書發展分為民 族精神教育加強時期、威權體制轉型時期和民主政治啟蒙時期三個時期,其主要 研究結論如下:

    一、 民族精神教育加強時期的公民教科書:呈現社會適應論的課程觀,認 為知識來源是絕對、主觀、權威,多以灌輸、接受方式獲取知識,知識的旨趣屬 於技術論;從公民教育觀點看,採社群主義,其課程理念主要以傳遞公民資質為 目標。

    二、 威權轉型時期的公民教科書:兼採社會適應論及學科中心論的課程 觀,認為知識來源是絕對、主觀、權威,多以灌輸、接受方式獲取知識,知識的 旨趣屬於技術論;從公民教育觀點看,採社群主義,其課程理念兼顧傳遞公民資 質和教導社會科學兩項目標。

    三、 民主啟蒙時期的公民教科書:基於前兩時期教育觀點的基礎下,課程 觀兼顧學科中心論與學生中心論,認為知識來源是客觀、多元的、演進的,除了 接受方式獲取知識,更希望學習者能建構知識,其知識的旨趣傾向實用論;從公 民教育觀點看,逐步從社群主義轉向自由主義,課程理念除了傳遞公民資質和教 導社會科學外,更能漸漸擴及促成個人主體發展和培養反思探究能力之目標。

  •   Past studies on civics textbooks of elementary and junior schools in Taiwan tended to address content analysis of the textbooks and the regulations on textbook-editing. Fewer studies have obtained how textbooks are shaping the text, which makes less possible understand a trend in curriculum development from a macro-structure perspective, or editors’ and reviewers’ beliefs in textbook-writing from a micro-structure perspective. In this sense, the article adopted oral history and document-analysis to examine the textbook development in civics education from 1952 to 2001. The study interviewed 17 key persons who participated in editing and reviewing the civics textbooks, Base on their perspectives and experiences in textbook editing and reviewing, and with reference to relevant documents, including textbooks, curriculum standards, related books, and journals, so as to interpret the theory of knowledge and the curriculum perspective at that period of time.

      The major results included the following, (1) The civics textbooks of national spirit education strengthen period addressed community-oriented values, and were featured the purpose of social adaptation. The theory of knowledge was conditioned by received view, and belonged to technical rational. (2) The civics textbooks of authoritarian transition period addressed community-oriented values, and tended to type of subject-centered curriculum structure and the purpose of social adaptation. The theory of knowledge was conditioned by received view, and belonged to technical rational. (3) The civics textbooks of democracy enlightenment period were conditioned by gradually moving away from community-oriented values to liberal-oriented values. The civics textbooks tended to both type of subject-centered and student-centered curriculum structure, and belonged to practical approach of knowledge.

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