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The views of the knowledge and curriculum of elementary mathematics textbook development
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    國小數學教科書之知識論與課程觀演變 The views of the knowledge and curriculum of elementary mathematics textbook development

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  • Keywords

    elementary-school mathematics,textbook development,oral history,epistemology,perspectives of curriculum

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  •   本研究係從1960-2000 年期間國內所處政治、經濟、教育文化等社會脈絡;國際數學教育的理論取向與變遷等因素,探究國民小學數學教科書知識論與課程觀的演變及其與相關因素之間的關連。因此,蒐集相關研究文獻、官方資料、媒體報導、歷次國民小學數學科課程標準與修訂過程、不同時期知國小數學教科書等進行內容分析,並透過當年實地參與教科書實驗研究、編審的委員及編審行政人員等口述歷史訪談,探析國小數學教科書發展、編輯、修訂等歷程及相關事件背後的社會涵意。

      本研究經綜合內容分析與口述歷史之結果,有下列主要發現︰(一)1968、1975、 1989 年的國小教科書,在課程觀與知識論上可說是大同小異,而1993 年的課程標準與教科書則是一個分水嶺。1993 年之前各版的教科書較重視數學客觀知識的教導,在課程內容的選擇與順序安排方面強調數學學科知識的結構與邏輯順序。國小數學教科書的內容敘述較著重於講解、操作示範、計算步驟的解析、學習內容要點的歸納。整體做法偏向於數學事實與程序獲得的技術論關注。(二)1993 年以前的國小數學教科書經歷從知 識灌輸、訓練到知識理解的發展歷程。(三)1993 年的國小數學教科書的課程理念則由學科中心轉向學生中心,強調知識的建構成為此時期對學生學習的中心主張。(四)數學學科特定脈絡和國小數學課程標準、教科書有密切關聯。(五)理論趨勢和偶遇事件對國小數學課程改革和教科書發展均扮演重要角色。(六)參與人員的個人生命史是理解課程與教科書發展的重要環節。

      針對國小數學教科書發展之政策與教科書之研究分別提出建議如下: 一、國小數學教科書發展歷程中的重要史料、經驗應積極加以整理保留。 二、教育行政當局應重視國小數學教科書研發專業人員的培育並長期規劃。

  •   The aims of this study were to collect the oral history of the development of elementary school mathematics textbook from 1960 to 2000, analyze the mathematics standards and textbooks for exploring the epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum and examine the incidents and contexts relevant to the evolution of epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum during the aforementioned period of time.

      With the attempt to analyze the characteristics of mathematics textbooks, explore the epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum embedded in the textbook design, and examine the relevant incidents of mathematics textbook development, the researchers employed the oral history interviews and content analysis in this study. Five key persons who participated in the development of elementary-school mathematics textbook from 1960 to 2000 were individually interviewed and four series of elementary-school mathematics textbooks were analyzed.

      The main findings of this study are as follows:

    1. The epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum of 1993 textbook series are quite different from those of 1968, 1975 and 1989 textbook series. The mathematics textbook series of 1993 are more students oriented and problem-solving concerned.

    2. The epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum changed over past forty years. Mathematics textbooks are basically knowledge transmission oriented in the 1960s and effective teaching for mathematics understanding in the 1970s to mid-1980s. Scaffolding students construction of mathematics understanding becomes the central ideas of mathematics curriculum.

    3.The changes of epistemology and perspectives of mathematics curriculum specifically relate to the fundamental change of the nature of mathematics and students learning held by the international mathematics community.

    4. Incidental events play a crucial role in the development of mathematics textbooks. Those events affect the contents, structure, and appearances of mathematics textbooks.

    5. The oral history presented by the key persons who participated in the development of elementary-school mathematics textbooks suggests that personal history matters significantly.

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