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Teaching problems and tackling strategies of music teaching materials of the artistic and human field in elementary schools
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  • 計畫名稱

    國民小學藝術與人文領域音樂教材教學問題與因應對策 Teaching problems and tackling strategies of music teaching materials of the artistic and human field in elementary schools

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  • Keywords

    elementary school,arts and humanities

  • 研究主軸


  •   本研究主要探討國民小學藝術與人文領域音樂教材教學上的有關問題,並提 出一些因應對策。為瞭解現況問題,本研究除對當前施行的教材教學進行文獻探 討外,另採立意取樣,邀請國民小學藝術與人文學習領域的音樂教師進行焦點團 體座談,其主要目的如下:1. 瞭解國民小學音樂教師對出版社提供的藝術與人文 教科書使用情形;2.探討國民小學音樂教師對出版社提供的藝術與人文教科書的 看法;3.瞭解國民小學音樂教師對出版社提供的其他教學資源(教師手冊、補充 教材與教具)的看法;4.深究國民小學音樂教師使用自編音樂教材的情形。本研 究藉由以上研究方法所獲得的發現,歸納出七點結論與四點建議供參;本研究對 藝術與人文領域教材政策的主要建議是在未來12 年國教藝術領域的課程綱要內 增列欣賞與創作教材。

  •   This study mainly aims to research the problems relating to the music teaching materials of the artistic and human field in the elementary school, and advance certain handling strategies.In order to understand the current state, besides conducting researches on the current teaching materials, this study adopts purpose sampling, inviting the music teachers of the field of art and humanity at elementary schools to attend the seminars of focus group.The main purposes are stated below: 1. To understand the state of usage of the textbooks. 2. To explore the teachers’view of the textbooks of art and humanity provided by publishing companies. 3. To understand the teachers’view of other teaching resources provided by the publishing companies (teachers’manual,supplementary teaching materials and teaching tools). 4. To deeply explore the teachers’usage of their self-edited music teaching materials.According the above,this study attain seven conclusions and four suggestions as references. The main suggestion of the study in art and liberal domain music material is to increase the appreciation and creation materials in art domain of twelve year civic education curriculum guideline in the future.

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