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The integrated study on curriculum development of senior high schools of upper secondary education
  • 資料類型


  • 計畫編號


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  • 計畫名稱

    後期中等教育──高中課程發展基礎研究整合型計畫 The integrated study on curriculum development of senior high schools of upper secondary education

  • 整合型計畫名稱


  • 所屬計畫


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  • 執行機構


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  • 年度


  • 期程(起)


  • 期程(迄)


  • 執行狀態


  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    curriculum development,curriculum guideline,senior high school education

  • 研究主軸


  •   本整合型研究計畫旨在針對後期中等教育-高中課程發展中的重要議題進行探討,以提出建議方案,供主管教育行政機關及相關單位發展高中課程時參考。在總計畫之下,計區分為六個子計畫,其主要的研究目的包括:探討高中課程改革政策及策略、分析後期中等教育課程的定位與關係、深究高中教育課程綱要架構、規劃高中課程綱要實施之配套措施、剖析高中課程與大學入學考試關係、探究後期中等教育課程學制調整情形,以及研析高中課程的法定位階與實施成效檢核方式。為達成以上目的,本研究採用多種適切的研究方法,包括:文件分析、焦點團體座談、深度訪談及問卷調查。

    1. 因應高中教育的普及化,減少必修並增加選修學分數,並修訂後期中等教育的共同課程,以發揮適性教育的功能
    2. 以160學分為畢業學分數,整併科目,刪減必修學分數,落實多樣化選修課程,調整高中課程分化的理念,以促進高中學生適性學習
    3. 強化現有相關組織,調整各項配合措施,以利高中課程綱要的落實及適應學校的個殊情境
    4. 大學入學考試中心確實評估大學多元入學方案的政策目標達成度,大學瞭解不同管道學生的學業表現與就業情形,據以整併各管道或調整招生名額比率;
    5. 學測及指考合併於高三下學期六月辦理,維持各考科題目難易度的穩定性,及研發高層次思考的題型,以兼顧大學選才和高中課程實施的完整性
    6. 大學與高中合作開設大學先修課程,提升高中教師多元評量知能,大學甄選入學參採高中選修科目學習表現
    7. 現行高中課程綱要係屬行政規則,未來宜將課程綱要的內容分屬不同的法律位階,以確保學生的學習權益,並提供運作上的適切彈性空間
    8. 訂定課程修訂組織及其成員的相關規定,並根據課程綱要的法律位階調整修訂程序,分類確立適切的修訂原則,以引導課程的修訂
    9. 擴張現有的「臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫」,以適切運用其數據以檢核課程綱要實施成效;提升高中自我評鑑能力,以確保課程的實施品質,並作為課程修訂的依據在提出上述的方案之外,本研究亦針對方案若獲得相關部門加以採行之後,建議其可以進一步考慮參採的數項配合措施。

  •   The purposes of this study were to investigate main issues regarding the upper secondary education and on the development of senior high school curriculum in Taiwan as well as to provide suggestions to governmental branches for their formulating of high school curricula and related policies. The overarching project was divided into six sub-projects. The research topics included: the orientation of and relationship among curricula of upper secondary education, the Framework of curriculum guideline of upper secondary education, the supporting measures for implementation of senior high school curriculum guideline, the relationship between curriculum of upper secondary education and college entrance examinations, the adjustment of curriculum and education system of upper secondary education, and the legal status and approaches for inspecting the implementation of senior high school curriculum. According to the variety features of this study, multiple research techniques were employed such as documental analysis, focus group interview, in-depth interview, and questionnaire.

      Based on reviews of the mid-term and final reports, this study has revised the reports accordingly. The suggestions provided in this study including: reducing the required credits and increasing elective credits and revising the common curriculum for upper secondary education; consolidating courses to reducing the required credits and promoting curriculum differentiation; enhancing related organizations and adjusting their supporting measures for the implementation of senior high school curriculum guideline; evaluating the outcomes of the college entrance examination and students career and performance and combining ways of entering colleges; developing tests of high-order thinking for the college entrance examination; offering advanced placement courses for high school students and enhancing measuring knowledge and ability of high school teachers; rearranging different parts of the high school curriculum guideline to their appropriate legal status in order to protect the learning rights of students and the flexibility needed for its operations; adjusting by-laws for the curriculum guideline revision principles and procedures and members of the revising teams; and enhancing the capacity of the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement to evaluate the implementation of high school curriculum guideline and promoting the evaluation competency of high school faculty to ensure the quality in implementing their curriculum.

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