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Promote the implementation of the curriculum and resources from the three-level counseling system
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    從三層級輔導系統推動課綱工作和資源看課綱的落實 Promote the implementation of the curriculum and resources from the three-level counseling system

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  • Keywords

    Three levels of central-local-school,12-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline,Collaboration

  • 研究主軸


  •   十二年國民基本教育課程綱要已於108學年度正式實施,由於新課綱是全國性、全面性地於各級中小學實施且具有複雜性的國家級課程政策,故在整個實施過程除了學校系統的執行與落實外,中央課程推動系統、地方縣市局處教育主管機關的共同協作亦是不可忽略的力量。換言之,從鉅觀到微觀實施過程,仍需要有諸多輔導支持系統,層層連結與轉化,否則新課程改革成效不會無中生有的。目前政府單位層級對於新課綱在協作投入方面已挹注大量資源及經費,惟新課綱之協力能力及協作互動等課程協作是否能有效達成新課綱之政策目標,仍值得觀察。
      基於上述,具體而言本研究目的主要如下:(一) 探討中央層級、地方層級與學校層級在協作十二年國民基本教育新課綱推動及核心素養落實情況與成功優勢利基。(二) 探究中央層級、地方層級與學校層級在十二年國民基本教育新課綱協作及核心素養推動發生的問題困難與挑戰。(三) 探析中央層級、地方層級與學校層級在協作十二年國民基本教育新課綱及核心素養推動的可能問題解決方案。(四) 研擬提出中央層級、地方層級與學校層級在協作十二年國民基本教育新課綱推動及核心素養落實的精進成功策略。

  •   The 12-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline was officially implemented in the 108th academic year. Apparently, the new curriculum is a nationwide and comprehensive national-level curriculum policy implemented at all levels of primary and secondary schools. In addition to the implementation of the system, the joint work of the central curriculum promotion system and the local bureaus is very important. In other words, from the macro view to the micro-implementation process, there are still many counseling support systems, which are connected and transformed at different levels. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the new curriculum reform will not be  out of nothing at all. At present, the government unit level has paid a lot of resources and funds for the collaborative investment of the new curriculum. However, it is still worth observing whether the collaboration of the new curriculum and collaborative collaboration can effectively achieve the policy objectives of the new curriculum.
      The implementation of the new curriculum policy should be promoted. The promotion of the new curriculum requires the joint participation and joint action of the central, local and schools to effectively achieve the curriculum policy objectives. In summary, how do the three levels of central-local-school links to form a strong policy collaboration governance network? What challenges might we face? Because of these problems and challenges, we have to propose an effective solution strategy to improve the implementation of the new curriculum. However, these problems have been less explored in the past, but they are important and cannot be ignored.
      Based on the above, the main purpose of this study is as follows: (1) To explore the current situation and successful advantages of the new level of national basic education and the implementation of core literacy among the central level, the local level and the school level. (2) To explore the difficulties and challenges in the development of the new curriculum of the National Basic Education  at the central level, the local level and the school level. (3) To explore possible solutions to problems at the central level, local level and school level in the new 12-year National Basic Education Curriculum. (IV) To develop a successful strategy for the promotion of the new curriculum of the National Basic Education and the implementation of core literacy among the central level, the local level and the school level.

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