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The establishment of the self-assessment criteria for the publications of elementary & junior high school textbooks
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    國民中小學教科書出版自評指標建構 The establishment of the self-assessment criteria for the publications of elementary & junior high school textbooks

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  • Keywords

    Textbook evaluation,Textbook compilation and review system,The self-assessment of textbook publication,Delphi Technique

  • 研究主軸


  •   教科書開放政策實施後,民間教科書出版業者可依照課程綱要編輯教科書,並經由國家教育研究院審查通過,由學校或教師選擇使用。但教科書編輯的標準及審查的依據為何?學校或老師選擇適用的教科書準則又如何?如果有一套客觀、明確的標準依據,將可提升教科書審查作業及教科書編者之間的溝通及互動。本研究目的在於探討分析臺灣教科書出版現況與教科書審定過程審編的問題探究,透過蒐集、分析目前教科書評鑑制度及教科書審查制度相關文獻,並以訪談法及德懷術進行結構化問卷調查,以其瞭解出版業者與教育學界對於當前教科書評鑑機制的觀點與意見,並依回饋意見及建議加以修正,試圖建構一套教科書自評指標供教科書出版業者及編審委員參考,研究結果與發現除提供政策建議,也提供教科書出版業者在編輯教科書內容及格式編排的參考。

  •   After the implement of open textbook policy, private publishers can edit their own textbooks in accordance with the curriculum guidelines. These textbooks, once evaluated and approved by the National Academy for Educational Research, will be selected and put to use by schools or teachers. Yet, what may be the criteria of textbook editing and evaluation? What may be the standards based on which schools or teachers select textbooks? A set of objective and clear criteria will help improve the process of textbook evaluation as well as enhancing the communication and interplay between textbook editors. The aim of this project is to scrutinize current situation of textbook publication in Taiwan and to look into the process of textbook evaluation. This study will collect and analyze related research materials about current textbook evaluation and approval systems and conduct questionnaire survey following the interview method and Delphi method to understand private publishers' and the academia's perspectives and opinions regarding current textbook appraisal mechanisms. By making adjustments according to the feedbacks and suggestions obtained, this study eventually endeavors to establish a set of self-assessment criteria for textbook publishers and the committee members of textbook compilation and evaluation. In addition to offering suggestions about textbook policy, this research also helps provide a set of standards on textbook content and format for publishers' reference.

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