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Research on the construction technology and application of teaching corpus in primary and secondary schools
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    第一至四學習階段教學語料庫的建置技術及應用之研究 Research on the construction technology and application of teaching corpus in primary and secondary schools

  • 整合型計畫名稱


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  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    Corpus construction technology,Corpus application,Primary and secondary education

  • 研究主軸


  •   本計畫為整合型研究計畫「中小學國語文學習階段字詞句型標準」的子計畫之一。本整合型計畫的目標是透過建置一個由中小學學生教科書以及參考讀物所組成的語料庫,並按照語料庫中頻率以及專家學者的建議,對各個學習階段的字、詞、句型進行分類。以期能更客觀、科學性地制訂供後續課綱研擬及教科書編寫參考等應用之各學習階段字、詞、句型之標準。

  •   This project is one of the subprojects under the integrated project entitled “Standards for Characters, Words and Sentence Patterns used in Chinese for Primary and Secondary Schools.” The purpose of the integrated project is to set up a corpus of textbooks and other referential readings for the primary and secondary school students, from which each of the other five subprojects would abide by. It is the aim of this project that Chinese characters, words and sentence patterns at various stages would be sorted out by frequency, and/or combined with suggestions of experts and scholars. The intention is to provide referential criterion for the adoption of words, characters, and sentence patterns in light of step-by-step procedure so that there will be no great difficulty for the learners. The result of this projects would provide the editors of textbooks with indicators for the selection of words or characters suitable for the learners of different states. In addition, it would offer designers of curriculum samples if there is some revision of the future curriculum. 
    Since subproject two to six will use the corpus information to conduct analysis, in order to make the analysis process effective and rapid, subproject one is mainly responsible for the development of the system tools which other subprojects need for analysis and statistics in the process of developing basic knowledge of characters, words, and sentence patterns. The system tools include corpus construction technology, domain-specific word segmentation tools, characters, words, and sentence pattern list generation and comparison of list contents. In order to achieve this goal, the project will mainly be carried out by means of system implementation and document analysis.

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