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A study on the analysis of foreign English written language corpus and common vocabulary in the curriculum guidelines
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    國外英語書面語語料庫與課綱常用字彙分析研究 A study on the analysis of foreign English written language corpus and common vocabulary in the curriculum guidelines

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  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    Written corpus,Vocabulary size,Word list,English curriculum guidelines

  • 研究主軸


  •   十二年國民基本教育課程綱要—英語文領域在學習內容部分,明訂國民小學教育階段應能應用300個字彙,而至國民中學,應至少學會1,200個字。高中則是4,500字。此外課綱也提供了2,000個字彙參考表,其中包含國中1,200基本單字及800個其他常用單字。然而,國小300個字彙卻未提供明確的字彙內容,而外界也常質疑國中1,200字的數量與選字內容的合理性。因此本研究之整合型計畫採用了築基於多種語料庫的實證研究法來檢視國小、國中字彙數量與內容、並嘗試提供改良建議。本子計畫則著重在書面詞彙的角度,採用多種著名的書面語語料庫,來檢視國小、國中字彙數量與內容。


  •   In the English Language Area of the 12-year National Basic Education Curriculum, it is stated in the learning content section that the students should be able to use 300 words in elementary school and learn at least 1,200 words in secondary school. In high school, it is 4,500 words. The syllabus also provides a reference list of 2,000 words, which includes 1,200 basic words and 800 other common words for middle school. However, the 300-word vocabulary for elementary school does not provide clear vocabulary content, and the number of 1,200 words for junior high school and the reasonableness of the word choice are often questioned. Therefore, this integrated project uses an empirical research method based on multiple corpora to examine the number and content of elementary and middle school vocabularies and to try to provide suggestions for improvement. This sub-project focuses on the number and content of vocabulary in elementary and junior high schools from the perspective of written vocabulary, using a variety of well-known written language corpora.

      Written language corpora are samples of actual written language usage situations, representing the application of written language in daily life, and are therefore suitable references for written word usage. A variety of comprehensive written language corpora are available for reference in foreign countries. This project compares the word frequency lists produced by the written language databases and various word lists, including those from well-known foreign databases and existing foreign word lists, and analyzes the suitability of the word lists in terms of cross-coverage and database coverage. The analysis of textbook vocabularies produced in Subproject 1 and the comparison of oral corpus vocabularies produced in Subproject 3 are used as the basis for answering the above questions.

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