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Tsai, Chin-Hsiung
  • 蔡進雄Tsai, Chin-Hsiung Research Fellow, Research Center for Education Systems and Policy
  • 054308@mail.naer.edu.tw

  Chin-Hsiung Tsai has had the courage to work in various educational environments. He is interested in applying theoretical frameworks for analyzing organizational phenomena and then in sharing the findings. After majoring in educational administration, he worked in a high school, at National Taitung Teachers College and at Catholic Fu Jen University. Also, he was a principal in Taipei Kuei Shan School. He is currently a researcher at the NAER and highly interested in playing ping-pong and in slow jogging. He is also the author of “Transformational Leadership and School Effectiveness,” “School Education and Administration,” “School Administration Leadership,” “School Administration and Teaching Research,” “School Leadership Theory Studies,” “Education Administration Ethics,” and “Education Administration Professional Development,” “Teaching Ideas and Practice,” “Study on the Leadership of School Principals: Perspectives on Professionalism, Emotions, and Spirituality,” and “Education Leadership Research: Organization Environment, Analysis of Leaders and Followers,”and “Study on Educational Policy.” He has written approximately two hundred academic papers. In the future, Dr. Chin-Hsiung Tsai hopes to influence education leaders and school administrators by sharing new ideas.

Research Field
  • Educational Leadership,Educational Administration,Educational Policy
  • Graduate School of Education Master, National Taiwan Normal University,Ph.D., Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood, School of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, USA
  • Director of Educational System and Policy Research Center, National Academy of Education,Acting Center Director, Testing and Assessment Research Center, National Institute of Education,The first supervisor of the 111 Education Development Association,Member of the Teacher Training Review Committee of the Ministry of Education,Director of the School Administration Research Association of the Republic of China,Education Consultant of the Association of Principals of Primary and Secondary Schools of the Republic of China,Principal of Taipei Kuei Shan Experimental High School (Secondment),Muduo Award of the 111th Joint Annual Conference of the Republic of China Education and Academic Organizations,Adjunct Professor, Taipei City University,Adjunct Associate Professor, National Taiwan Normal University,Full-time associate professor and director of the Institute of Educational Leadership and Development, Fu Jen Catholic University,Full-time Assistant Professor, Institute of Education, National Taitung Teachers College,Convener of the national senior high school principal selection and evaluation committee member group,County and city primary and secondary school evaluation committee,National Xinzhuang High School Tutor, Teaching Team Leader, Principal's Office Secretary, Library Director, Counseling Director, Academic Affairs Director,Tutor of Yunlin County Dongshi Junior High School
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