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A study on the implementation situation, problems and solutions of remedial instruction program for disadvantaged child in metropolitan elementary school
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  • 計畫名稱

    我國都會區國民小學階段補救教學方案執行現況、問題及因應策略之研究 A study on the implementation situation, problems and solutions of remedial instruction program for disadvantaged child in metropolitan elementary school

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  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    remedial instruction program,metropolitan elementary schools,education for disadvantaged student

  • 研究主軸


  •   本研究旨在了解我國都會區國民小學階段補救教學方案之執行現況;探討我國都會區國民小學階段補救教學方案執行後之弱勢學生學習成效;分析我國都會區國民小學階段補救教學方案實施後之相關問題與因應策略。為達成上述目的,本研究主要採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區臺北市、新北市、桃園市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市等六都之607 位參與課後補救教學之國民小學教師為樣本,獲得的結論包括:1.我國都會區國小補救教學方案執行現況之整體目標達成度表現尚可;2.我國都會區國小補救教學方案執行現況之整體與各類弱勢學生學習成效仍待提升;3.我國都會區國小補救教學方案執行後之整體實施策略感受良好;4.我國都會區國小補救教學方案執行後仍有上課方式不夠多元、師資專業知能待加強等問題。


  •   The main purposes of this research were to understand the current circumstances regarding remedial instruction program in metropolitan elementary schools, and to explore the learning effectiveness of disadvantaged student after the implementation of remedial instruction program in metropolitan elementary schools, and to analyze the problems and effective solutions after the implementation of remedial instruction program in metropolitan elementary schools. To achieve these objectives, this study adopted a questionnaire survey. The sample comprised 607 teachers participating in remedial instruction in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The conclusions of this research indicated the following: 1. Performance was still acceptable about the overall goal achievement of the current circumstances regarding remedial instruction program for disadvantaged student in metropolitan elementary schools. 2. The learning effectiveness of the overall and all kinds of disadvantaged student was still to be improved after the implementation of remedial instruction program for disadvantaged student in metropolitan elementary schools. 3. The perception of the overall strategy was good after the implementation of remedial instruction program for disadvantaged student in metropolitan elementary schools. 4. The problems of remedial instruction included “the teaching method was not multiple”, and “the lack of teachers' professional knowledge and ability”.

      Suggestions for educational policy: 1. Please evaluate and develop the basic learning content of remedial instruction in metropolitan elementary schools. 2. Please promote continuously remedial instruction program in metropolitan elementary schools, and there should be no restrictions on the number of students who need remedial instruction. 3. Please pay attention to promote learning effectiveness of the overall and all kinds of disadvantaged student. 4. Please carry out continuously the related learning activities or workshops of remedial instruction to enhance professional knowledge and ability of teachers participating in remedial instruction in metropolitan elementary schools.

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