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An integrated research project of education of the disadvantaged in urban areas in Taiwan (I): elementary schools
  • 資料類型


  • 計畫編號


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  • 計畫名稱

    我國都會區弱勢者教育之整合型研究(I):國民小學階段 An integrated research project of education of the disadvantaged in urban areas in Taiwan (I): elementary schools

  • 整合型計畫名稱


  • 所屬計畫


  • 計畫主持人


  • 經費來源


  • 執行方式


  • 執行機構


  • 執行單位


  • 年度


  • 期程(起)


  • 期程(迄)


  • 執行狀態


  • 關鍵詞


  • Keywords

    education for the disadvantaged,remedial instruction,after-school care,summer learning,cram schooling

  • 研究主軸


  •   維護弱勢學生受教權益向為教育部重要施政目標與基本方針,並大致上及於地域弱勢、經濟弱勢、原住民族及身心障礙者等政策標的族群。而相對於地域弱勢議題所通常關注的城鄉教育差距而言,都會地區的教育資源雖應優於偏遠地區,然由於物價水準及小家庭、雙薪家庭比例均通常較高,致使都會地區的學生及其家長,乃存在不同於偏遠地區的政策需求。本整合研究乃針對都會地區中之弱勢個體及內部相對弱勢區域,探討其所可能存在的教育公平課題;於第一年研究期程中,乃以國民小學階段為主要研究範圍,除先界定「弱勢者」之概念(總計畫),並就日本及韓國都會區弱勢者教育政策進行整理分析(子計畫一),且基於政策紮根及其成效觀點之考量,針對國民小學階段之補救教學方案(子計畫二)、課後照顧(子計畫三)、暑期學習活動(子計畫四)及校外補習教育(子計畫五)分別進行研究。未來,並期能在第一年的研究基礎上,持續加深、加廣探討都會弱勢者教育之教育政策與制度等議題;據此,本整合研究於第一年之研究目的,包括: (一)分析我國都會區國民小學階段弱勢者教育之現況; (二)分析日本及韓國都會區國民小學階段弱勢者教育政策現況及其對我國之啟示; (三)探討我國都會區國民小學階段的弱勢者教育政策實踐課題; (四)提出我國都會區國民小學階段弱勢者教育政策與制度之可參考建議。

      本整合研究之整體發現包括: (一)我國都會區國小階段弱勢群體學生包括原住民、身心障礙、低收入戶、新住民及單親/隔代教養等五類。 (二)我國都會區國民小學階段的弱勢者教育政策實踐對弱勢群體學生有正向幫助。 (三)我國都會區國民小學階段的弱勢者教育政策實踐,所面臨的主要困境為「教育經費短絀」及「教育人力數量及專業不足」。 (四)在我國都會區,相較於就讀偏遠國民小學的弱勢群體學生,就讀都會國小及鄉鎮國小的弱勢群體學生之教育處境更為不利。

      本整合研究之綜合建議包括: (一)回歸我國都會區國民小學階段各類弱勢者教育政策目的,重新檢視及調整其對所界定的弱勢群體學生及相關補助措施。 (二)盤點我國都會區國民小學階段各類弱勢者教育政策資源,並可與民間組織進行協力合作。 (三)應持續為相關教育人員辦理弱勢者教育政策相關研習活動。 (四)應對我國都會區弱勢者教育政策相關課題進行持續性的政策評估及研究關注。

  •   Maintaining the educational rights of the disadvantaged students has been the policy and fundamental goal of the Ministry of Education. The disadvantaged refer to those at a subordinate status in terms of geography, economics, ethnicity and physical condition. In contrast to the concerns for education in rural areas, the educational resources in urban areas should be better. Yet, because of the price level and the higher percentage of nuclear family and double-earner family, students and their parents in urban areas are still in need of policies different from rural areas. This integrative research project aims at exploring the potential education divide existing among the disadvantaged individuals and relatively disadvantaged areas within urban areas. In the first year of the research, in addition to analyzing related legal systems in Taiwan in the overarching project, it will examine the educational policy of the urban disadvantaged in Japan and Korea (Sub-project I). Based on the educational policy and its effectiveness, it will study the English learning divide in the elementary school (Sub-project II), after-school programs (Sub-project III), summer learning divide (Sub-project IV) and remedial programs (Sub-project V).

      The purposes of this integrated research include: 1. Analyzing the current condition of the education of the urban disadvantaged in Taiwan; 2. Analyzing the current condition of the urban disadvantaged in Japan and Korea and its significance to Taiwan; 3. Exploring the educational policy of the urban disadvantaged at the stage of elementary school in Taiwan; 4. Proposing related suggestions for the education of the urban disadvantaged in Taiwan based on the research results.

      The findings of this integrated research include: 1. The urban disadvantaged students at the stage of elementary school in Taiwan include indigenous people, disabilities, low-income families, single parenting/ grandparenting. 2. That the educational policy of the urban disadvantaged at the stage of elementary school in Taiwan gives the positive effect on Taiwan urban disadvantaged student. 3. The main predicaments that relative institutions face when they implement policies are the shortage of educational funds, and the quantity and capability of human resource for education are insufficient. 4. Comparing with disadvantage elementary school students in remote areas, disadvantaged students in urban elementary schools and villages and towns elementary schools are facing more severe educational situation.

      The integrated suggestions include: 1. According to the purpose of the educational policy of the urban disadvantaged at the stage of elementary school in Taiwan, re-examine and adjust the definition of disadvantage students and related compensation. 2. Making an inventory of educational policies resources for all kinds of Taiwan urban disadvantaged student groups in elementary school phase, and cooperate with non-governmental organization. 3. Continue to execute the workshops relate to disadvantaged educational policies for educators. 4. Continue to implement the persistency of policies assessment and focus on the researches relate to the educational policies for Taiwan urban disadvantaged students.

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