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NAER was established in 2011, after the merging five other major educational institutes, including: National Institute for Compilation and Translation, founded in 1932. National Institute of Educational Resources and Research, founded in 1956. Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers In-service Education, founded in 1956. Taiwan Provincial Training & Development Institute for Secondary School Teachers, founded in 1987. National Academy for Educational Research Preparatory Office, founded in 2000. National Academy for Educational Research, founded in 2011. Today it has three campuses: our headquarters in Sanxia, the Taipei branch, and the Taichung branch.

  • 1932

    National Institute for Compilation and Translation —Wrote and translated academic books, and compiled, reviewed and approved textbooks.

  • 1956

    National Institute of Educational Resources and Research —Produced teaching materials.

  • 1956

    Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers ln-service Education —Conducted workshops for elementary school teachers, and evaluated trial textbooks and courses.

  • 1987

    Taiwan Provincial Training & Development Institute for Secondary School Teachers —Held workshops for secondary school teachers.

  • 2000

    National Academy for Educational Research Preparatory Office —Prepared for the establishment of the National Academy for Educational Research (NAER).


National Institute for Compilation and Translation

wrote and compiled Textbook
translated and reviewed Academic Terms

National Institute of Educational Resources and Research

produced Teaching Materials

Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers ln-service Education

conducted workshops for Elementary School teacher
evaluated Trial Textbooks and Courses

Taiwan Provincial Training & Development Institute for Secondary School Teachers

held workshops for Secondary School teachers

National Academy for Educational Research Preparatory Office

prepared for the establishment of NAER

National Academy for Educational Research

conduct Comprehensive and Systematic Research
for the Sustainable Development of Education in Taiwan

National Academy for Educational Research

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